Welcome to Deqing Guotai Fireproof Material Factory
Carbon Fiber Casing

Carbon fiber, the fibrous carbon materials made by heating organic fiber or low molecular hydrocarbon gas to 1500℃, its carbon content is over 90%. The engineering material compound by carbon fiber is better than metallic material. It’s tensile strength is 3-4 times higher than metallic material, and the stiffness 2-3 times, the fatigue durability 2 times, the weight only 1/4 to 1/3 of steel material, the heat expansion is 1/5 to 1/4. It’s appearance made the fiber has better prospects of development and application.


Light weight, high strength, high modulus, high-temperature resistance, wear resistance, anti-corrosion, anti-fatigue, creep resistance, electric conduction, heat conduction, far infrared radiation, etc. 

Model: 1K, 3K, 6K, 12K, 24K, etc.


Aircraft tail and body; Car engines, machine cover, synchronizer, bumper, decoration part, etc. Bicycle frame and wheels, handlebar; The racket, cone; Canoe, snowboard; Various models, helmet, building strengthen material, watches, pens, bags.

It can reduce the construction weight after manufactured as composites, and improve the machine’s technical performance. Now it is widely used in the high-tech fields like aerospace, new textile machinery, petrochemical industry, medical appliance, automotive industry, machinofacture, construction, stationery sports goods, telecommunication, electric heating, etc. Its wide use will change our life style and raise the quality of our life a lot. It’s often used to cover some surface irregular wires, cables or hoses, with good stability, torsional strength.